Laurent Lawrence Burton
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Frontrunner Professional
"The lighting of a Memorial Candle allows visitors to leave a symbolic gesture of"
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Condolence From: Terry MacIsaac(Eade)
Condolence: Uncle Lawrence, what fond memories we all have of you!!! As a little girl I remember when Grandma was ready to cook one of her wonderful dinners you would call out to me "Terry Lee I love thee" and than you would put me on your back and we would go out and get some wood from the shed. Your garden was spectacular and we would go out to pick beans, tomatoes, cucumbers etc. And the blueberries, we kids could not wait to run over to the field across the street and pick berries. One Christmas I remember all of the cousins going with you and our fathers to get a Christmas tree on the reservation and I was so short the snow was over my head so you picked me up and put me on your back.
More recently when we went up to visit we were at Aunt Noella's we were walking down the hall and you stopped suddenly and I thought something was wrong, and than mom started to run, or at least tried and than it happened, you passed gas and then started to giggle.
At the end of the night when we returned you back to your room, I opened the door for you and you were not happy as you insisted that you had to hold the door for me.
Always a girls also remember you fondly.
Thanks Uncle Lawrence for making me feel special.
Thursday April 16, 2015
Condolence From: Darcey
Condolence: I came across a little quote that made me think of you:

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory."

Rest in peace, Uncle Lawrence!
Saturday February 28, 2015
Condolence From: Tara
Condolence: Great Uncle Laurence, I remember visiting almost every summer for years. I remember card nights, witty comments, lots of laughs, glasses of wine or beer, your wonderful garden, walks to the tracks to collect stones, your neighbours cat... lots of fun memories. Wish we lived closer and life wasn't so busy to be able to have made those trips more often. My heart is sad to miss you but know you are enjoying the view from Heaven!! Love you to the moon and back, rest peacefully! xox
Saturday February 21, 2015
Condolence From: Christine Watson
Condolence: RIP Uncle Lawrence! You will be missed dearly.
Friday February 20, 2015
Condolence From: Monica Legault
Condolence: Laurence my childhood friend and neighbour, playing hockey and golf outside, I will always keep you in my memories, rest in peace
Thursday February 12, 2015

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